Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3030

[KI] for CRW-2910: The Welcome tab is empty after Theia loading


    • False
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    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = Blank *Welcome To Your Workspace* page in Che-Theia workspaces

      Currently, the *Welcome To Your Workspace* page in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank when the workspace loads. This is caused by a missing self-signed TLS certificate in the browser.


      * If you use self-signed TLS certificates to connect over HTTPS to an OpenShift cluster running {prod-short}, import those certificates into your browser.
      = Blank *Welcome To Your Workspace* page in Che-Theia workspaces Currently, the *Welcome To Your Workspace* page in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank when the workspace loads. This is caused by a missing self-signed TLS certificate in the browser. .Workaround * If you use self-signed TLS certificates to connect over HTTPS to an OpenShift cluster running {prod-short}, import those certificates into your browser.
    • Known Issue
    • Rejected
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      If there is HTTPS connection to OCP using self-signed TLS certificate, you need to import certificate into your browser.

      If there is HTTPS connection to OCP using self-signed TLS certificate, you need to import certificate into your browser.
    • Hide
      • Consume a factory 2.x version and wait for Theia to load and open the welcome tab
        Expected result: The Welcome tab should open with Redhat Openshift Devspaces 3.0 info and links to settings, new, open, etc.
        Actual result: The tab is empty
      Consume a factory 2.x version and wait for Theia to load and open the welcome tab Expected result : The Welcome tab should open with Redhat Openshift Devspaces 3.0 info and links to settings, new, open, etc. Actual result: The tab is empty

      Close this issue in the run up to the release in which Eclipse Theia is removed as a supported editor.

        1. jboss-eap-quickstarts-Chrome-2022-05-05 19-17-30.png
          93 kB
          Max Leonov
        2. jboss-eap-quickstarts-Firefox-2022-05-05 19-36-51.png
          150 kB
          Max Leonov
        3. python-hello-world-Chrome-2022-05-05 19-54-46.png
          60 kB
          Max Leonov
        4. Screenshot from 2022-05-12 01-02-17.png
          125 kB
          Max Leonov
        5. Screenshot from 2022-05-30 13-53-10.png
          152 kB
          Max Leonov
        6. Selection_009.png
          46 kB
          Max Leonov
        7. Selection_012.png
          72 kB
          Max Leonov

            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
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