Resolution: Done
The idea is to migrate existing devfiles v1 to v2.
NOTE: Since there is insufficient time remaining in the 2.14 cycle, this issue has been broken into two parts. It starts here w/ fixversion 2.14, and continues in CRW-2539 for 2.15.
More information about devfiles version 2 can be found in upstream issue https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/19341
CRW already has one implemented devfile v2 for quarkus sample https://github.com/crw-samples/quarkus-quickstarts/blob/devfilev2/devfile.yaml and the link to this devfile was added in the meta.yaml https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces/blob/crw-2-rhel-8/dependencies/che-devfile-registry/devfiles/03_java11-maven-quarkus/meta.yaml#L7
Current list of samples (devfile v1):
- 00_java11-maven-microprofile-bootable - https://github.com/crw-samples/microprofile-quickstart.git
- 00_java11-maven-microprofile-xp3 - https://github.com/crw-samples/microprofile-quickstart.git
- 00_java8-maven-eap - https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
- 02_java8-maven-fuse - https://github.com/crw-samples/fuse-rest-http-booster.git
- 03_camelk - https://github.com/apache/camel-k
- 03_java11-maven-gradle - https://github.com/crw-samples/gs-validating-form-input.git
- 03_java11-maven-lombok - https://github.com/che-samples/lombok-project-sample
- 03_java11-maven-quarkus - https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts.git
- 03_java11-maven-vertx-http-booster - https://github.com/openshiftio-vertx-boosters/vertx-http-booster
- 03_java11-maven-vertx - https://github.com/crw-samples/vertx-health-checks-example-redhat
- 03_java8-maven-spring-boot-http-booster - https://github.com/crw-samples/rest-http-example.git
- 04_nodejs-configmap - https://github.com/crw-samples/nodejs-configmap.git
- 04_nodejs-mongo - https://github.com/crw-samples/nodejs-mongodb-sample
- 04_nodejs-simple - https://github.com/che-samples/web-nodejs-sample.git
- 05_cpp - https://github.com/crw-samples/C-Plus-Plus.git
- 05_dotnet - https://github.com/che-samples/dotnet-web-simple
- 05_go - https://github.com/crw-samples/golang-health-check.git
- 05_php-cake - https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
- 05_php-di - https://github.com/crw-samples/demo.git
- 05_python - https://github.com/che-samples/python-hello-world.git
- blocks
CRW-2474 CRW 2.15 overall epic
- Closed
CRW-2540 Update devfile tests to verify v2 versions in DW enabled CRW (part 1)
- Closed
CRW-2541 Update devfile tests to verify v2 versions in DW enabled CRW (part 2)
- Closed
- causes
CRW-2578 devfile v2 caching for devworkspace airgap support needs to be arch-aware and swap jdk images for j9 on Power/Z
- Closed
- is cloned by
CRW-2539 Migrate devfiles v1 to v2 (part 2)
- Closed
- is related to
CRW-2500 [airgap] Pre-build DevWorkspace templates for devfile v2 of devfile registry
- Closed
- relates to
CRW-2253 DevWorkspace fails to start when use factory link from upstream java-spring sample
- Closed
- links to