Resolution: Done
Documented as Feature Request
Since we will be unable to complete CRW-2412 in time for CRW 2.14 release, this issue is the continuation of that for 2.15.
The idea is to migrate existing devfiles v1 to v2.
More information about devfiles version 2 can be found in upstream issue https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/19341
CRW already has one implemented devfile v2 for quarkus sample https://github.com/crw-samples/quarkus-quickstarts/blob/devfilev2/devfile.yaml and the link to this devfile was added in the meta.yaml https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces/blob/crw-2-rhel-8/dependencies/che-devfile-registry/devfiles/03_java11-maven-quarkus/meta.yaml#L7
Current list of samples (devfile v1):
- 00_java11-maven-microprofile-bootable - https://github.com/crw-samples/microprofile-quickstart.git
- 00_java11-maven-microprofile-xp3 - https://github.com/crw-samples/microprofile-quickstart.git
- 00_java8-maven-eap - https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git
- 02_java8-maven-fuse - https://github.com/crw-samples/fuse-rest-http-booster.git
- 03_camelk - https://github.com/apache/camel-k
- 03_java11-maven-gradle - https://github.com/crw-samples/gs-validating-form-input.git
- 03_java11-maven-lombok - https://github.com/che-samples/lombok-project-sample
- 03_java11-maven-quarkus - https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts.git
- 03_java11-maven-vertx-http-booster - https://github.com/openshiftio-vertx-boosters/vertx-http-booster
- 03_java11-maven-vertx - https://github.com/crw-samples/vertx-health-checks-example-redhat
- 03_java8-maven-spring-boot-http-booster - https://github.com/crw-samples/rest-http-example.git
- 04_nodejs-configmap - https://github.com/crw-samples/nodejs-configmap.git
- 04_nodejs-mongo - https://github.com/crw-samples/nodejs-mongodb-sample
- 04_nodejs-simple - https://github.com/che-samples/web-nodejs-sample.git
- 05_cpp - https://github.com/crw-samples/C-Plus-Plus.git
- 05_dotnet - https://github.com/che-samples/dotnet-web-simple
- 05_go - https://github.com/crw-samples/golang-health-check.git
- 05_php-cake - https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
- 05_php-di - https://github.com/crw-samples/demo.git
- 05_python - https://github.com/che-samples/python-hello-world.git
- blocks
CRW-2474 CRW 2.15 overall epic
- Closed
CRW-2541 Update devfile tests to verify v2 versions in DW enabled CRW (part 2)
- Closed
- clones
CRW-2412 Migrate devfiles v1 to v2 (part 1)
- Closed
- is blocked by
CRW-2578 devfile v2 caching for devworkspace airgap support needs to be arch-aware and swap jdk images for j9 on Power/Z
- Closed
- relates to
CRW-2886 Devfile v1 to v2 conversion not working for gradle devfile
- Closed
CRW-2253 DevWorkspace fails to start when use factory link from upstream java-spring sample
- Closed
CRW-2686 Migrate "06_idea_rhel" devfile v1 to v2
- Resolved
- links to