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  1. OpenShift Console
  2. CONSOLE-3067

Adding Rollout Restart function to the OpenShift Console


    • 3
    • False
    • False
    • OCPPLAN-8030 - Console: Customer Happiness (RFEs) for 4.8-4.12
    • HAC Infra - Sprint 221

      As a console user I want to have option to:

      • Restart Deployment
      • Retry latest DeploymentConfig if it failed


      For Deployments we will add the 'Restart rollout' action button. This action will PATCH the Deployment object's 'spec.template.metadata.annotations' block, by adding 'openshift.io/restartedAt: <actual-timestamp>' annotation. This will restart the deployment, by creating a new ReplicaSet.

      • action is disabled if:
        • Deployment is paused


      For DeploymentConfig we will add 'Retry rollout' action button.  This action will PATCH the latest revision of ReplicationController object's 'metadata.annotations' block by setting 'openshift.io/deployment/phase: "New"' and removing openshift.io/deployment.cancelled and openshift.io/deployment.status-reason.

      • action is enabled if:
        • latest revision of the ReplicationController resource is in Failed phase
      • action is disabled if:
        • latest revision of the ReplicationController resource is in Complete phase
        • DeploymentConfig does not have any rollouts
        • DeploymentConfigs is paused


      Acceptance Criteria:

      • Add the 'Restart rollout' action button for the Deployment resource to both action menu and kebab menu
      • Add the 'Retry rollout' action button for the DeploymentConfig resource to both action menu and kebab menu



      OpenShift console will be updated to allow rollout restart deployment from the console itself.

      Currently, from the OpenShift console, for the resource “deploymentconfigs” we can only start and pause the rollout, and for the resource “deployment” we can only resume the rollout. None of the resources (deployment & deployment config) has this option to restart the rollout. So, that is the reason why the customer wants this functionality to perform the same action from the CLI as well as the OpenShift console.

      The customer wants developers who are not fluent with the oc tool and terminal utilities, can use the console instead of the terminal to restart deployment, just like we use to do it through CLI using the command “oc rollout restart deploy/<deployment-name>“.
      Usually when developers change the config map that deployment uses they have to restart pods. Currently, the developers have to use the oc rollout restart deployment command. The customer wants the functionality to get this button/menu to perform the same action from the console as well.

      Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i-jGtQGaA0OI4CYh8DH5BBIVbocIu_dxNt3vwWmPZdw/edit

            rh-ee-gvudinh Giao Vu Dinh (Inactive)
            jhadvig@redhat.com Jakub Hadvig
            Zac Herman
            Xiyun Zhao Xiyun Zhao
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
