Resolution: Done
OCPPLAN-8030 - Console: Customer Happiness (RFEs) for 4.8-4.12
HAC Infra - Sprint 217, HAC Infra - Sprint 218
Add support for PDB (Pod Disruption Budget) to the console.
- Add a list, detail, and yaml view (with samples) for PDBs. In addition, update the workloads page to support PDBs as well.
- For the PBD list page include a table with name, namespace, selector, availability, allowed disruptions and created. In addition, to the table provide the main call to action to create a PDB.
- For the PDB details page provide a Details, YAML and Pods tab. The Pods tab will include a list pods associated with the PBD - make sure to surface the owner column.
- When users create a PDB from the list page, take them to the YAML and provide samples to enhance the creation experience. Sample 1: Set max unavailable to 0, Sample 2: Set min unavailable to 25% (confirming samples with stakeholders). In the case that a PDB has already been applied, warn users that it is not recommended to add another. Cover use cases as well that keep users from creating poor policies - for example, setting the minimum available to zero.
- Add the ability to add/edit/view PBDs on a workload. If we edit a PDB applied to multiple workloads, warn users that this change will affect all workloads and not only the one they are currently editing. When a PDB has been applied, add a new filed to the details page with a link to the PDB and policy.
- Exploratory designs (by Chris): https://www.sketch.com/s/a2668252-07fe-4472-a96f-d3bf94423959/p/AF1CAEE1-DB56-40B7-ADE8-970EA4D1F9
- Final designs (by Thi): Marvel | Doc
- clones
CONSOLE-1684 Add support for PDB\SCC\VPA
- Closed
- is related to
RFE-2261 Show affected Pods for PodDisruptionBudget in Web Console
- Closed
CONSOLE-1684 Add support for PDB\SCC\VPA
- Closed
- links to