Resolution: Done
As a user, I want the ability to run a pod in debug mode.
This should be the equivalent of running: oc debug pod
Acceptance Criteria for MVP
- Build off of the crash-loop back off popover from https://github.com/openshift/console/pull/7302 to include a description of what crash-loop back off is, a link to view logs, a link to view events and a link to debug (container-name) in terminal. If more than one container is crash-looping list them individually.
- Create a debug container page that includes breadcrumbs as well as the terminal to debug. Add an informational alert at the top to make it clear that this is a temporary Pod and closing this page will delete the temporary pod.
- Add debug in terminal as an action to the logs tool bar. Only enable the action when the crash-loop back off status occurs for the selected container. Add a tool tip to explain when the action is disabled.
Designs (WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b2n9Ox4xDNJ6AkVsQkXc5HyG8DXJIzU8tF6IsJCiowo/edit#