Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-475 - Enable sharing ConfigMaps and Secrets across namespaces [Tech Preview]
Sprint 205, Sprint 207
User Story
As an OpenShift cluster admin
I want official images for the Projected resource CSI driver
So that I have fully certified and supported images for the projected resource CSI driver running on my cluster.
Acceptance Criteria
- Set up delivery pipeline for Projected Resource CSI driver via ART
- Set up delivery pipeline for the Projected Resource CSI Driver operator via ART
ART Checklist
- Agree on the namings of the components
- Align upstream naming of components (if possible and not done)
- Ensure component has end to end CI testing upstream
- Ensure OWNERS file has appropriate Bugzilla components
- Create rhel-based Dockerfile that can be consumed by ART/OSBS
- Create a build repository in Comet
- Create a delivery repository in Comet
- Request security audit from ProdSec
- File build ticket with ART
- Get images built in OSBS
- After first build OSBS build add openshift release labels to Dockerfiles
Open questions:
- Will this ever be in the OCP payload? *YES*
Does using CPaaS tie us to only install via OLM? Does it rule out our ability to install the driver via the OpenShift payload?
We need to have CI configured in openshift/release before we begin adding images that will be managed by ART.
Process is detailed in https://source.redhat.com/groups/public/atomicopenshift/atomicopenshift_wiki/guidelines_for_requesting_new_content_managed_by_ocp_art
Things we will need set up:
- Listing in Comet
- Adding code to dist-git. Note - we won't need CI set up for dist-git, ART takes care of this with nightly releases and CI against the payload.
- Creating relevant Bugzilla components (or sub-components) - likely "Shared Resources CSI Driver" under Storage component
- OWNERS files validated and updated
- Submitting request to get ART