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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-11066

Test ACM add-ons with Agent/IBM-Z hosted cluster


    • QE Sprint 2024-15
    • No

      We need to ensure ACM component add-ons work as expected on a IBM-Z hosted cluster platform.

      For MCE 2.6 / ACM 2.11 GA, HCP on x86 with IBM-Z compute nodes is GA supported at OCP 4.16 level 

      So just to give details on our HCP GA scenario: 

      • Our HCP (type - agent) lies on x86 BM Hub cluster 
      • We will attach s390x compute nodes from our IBM Z LPARs / ibmcloud to the above HCP

              rhn-support-dhuynh David Huynh
              rhn-support-dhuynh David Huynh
              Michael Brudnoy, Vincent Boulos
              ACM QE Team
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