Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.35.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-8491] - Implement Serverless Workflow custom function for Knative

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-6937] - Integrate Data Index with Knative eventing
  • [KOGITO-8516] - Deploy Workflow CR in devmode
  • [KOGITO-8526] - Add quarkus profile 'kafka-events-support' to data index images
  • [KOGITO-8686] - Implement extension that provides support for OutputSchema


  • [KOGITO-8485] - Swagger is generated with example: null on 1.32
  • [KOGITO-8514] - Shell tests on images are not considered by the CI
  • [KOGITO-8634] - Kogito is messed with symlink in src/main/resources directory when resources are mounted with ConfigMap
  • [KOGITO-8672] - Shell tests image version is hardcoded
  • [KOGITO-8680] - "Validation error (FieldUndefined@[ProcessInstances/source]) : Field 'source' in type 'ProcessInstance' is undefined"
  • [KOGITO-8704] - Kogito examples do not compile with Maven 3.9.x
  • [KOGITO-8706] - Jenkins: Toggle triggers job does not start
  • [KOGITO-8708] - Infinispan authentication is not set correctly on service apps
  • [KOGITO-8715] - `process-postgresql-persistence-springboot` does not send events to Data Index
  • [KOGITO-8761] - [SW] Revert call to new method that still doesn't exists in Quarkus LTS
  • [KOGITO-8774] - Data Index Dev Service cannot start due to "Unknown connector for kogito-jobs-events"
  • [KOGITO-8778] - Modify data-index-ephemeral image to set http connector as default


  • [KOGITO-8086] - Run quarkus-lts check by default on kogito related PRs
  • [KOGITO-8320] - Implement Flyway on JDBC based Persistence for Process Instance
  • [KOGITO-8377] - Merged native and mandrel checks
  • [KOGITO-8401] - [KSW-Guides] Enhance getting started guide with workflow use cases description
  • [KOGITO-8414] - [KSW-Guides] Create guide for Knative custom function
  • [KOGITO-8523] - Job Service New API Integration Tests
  • [KOGITO-8667] - Reorganize GHA
  • [KOGITO-8671] - Kogito build should follow guide from Quarkus
  • [KOGITO-8737] - Provide a nightly integration branch for kogito-pipelines
  • [KOGITO-8751] - BDD: Disable Keycloak testing
  • [KOGITO-9044] - [Doc Review] Add a note to the db migration guide about default behavior


  • [KOGITO-7373] - [SW] Add custom function knative
  • [KOGITO-8348] - Add Integration test on Kogito Serverless Operator
  • [KOGITO-8375] - Enhance dataindex for custom support to Primitive Datatypes viz. support for Long/Float/Double etc.
  • [KOGITO-8442] - Remove dependency from jbpm-flow to kogito-dmn
  • [KOGITO-8515] - Update quarkus-openapi-generator to 1.2.1
  • [KOGITO-8668] - Disable Data Index devservice if data index extension is present
  • [KOGITO-8727] - Allow to override image in the Data Index Dev Service test

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