Release Notes - Kogito - Version Kogito Tooling 0.22.0 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-5529] - BPMN Editor - Support for orthogonal segments in lines
  • [KOGITO-7120] - Establish a jenkins nightly pipeline for serverless logic tooling
  • [KOGITO-7123] - QE serverless logic - autocomplete feature verification


  • [KOGITO-6711] - [SWF Editor] Service Catalog integration with Apicurio


  • [KOGITO-7530] - SWF Viewer - Can't visualize the workflow when some reference is broken
  • [KOGITO-7567] - [SWF Editor] is duplicating actions in worklow after getContent()
  • [KOGITO-7577] - SWF Stunner Editor - Parameter named 'uuid' should be not null!
  • [KOGITO-7587] - [SWF Editor] Code lenses stop working on a specific scenario
  • [KOGITO-7623] - Specs folder is not detected in Windows on SWF VSCode Extension
  • [KOGITO-7629] - SWF Viewer - Exception is thrown when an arrow is selected
  • [KOGITO-7670] - Impossible to set image-registry and image-name in kn workflow build
  • [KOGITO-7679] - SW Stunner Editor changes user's cursor if node is selected making it impossible to edit the file
  • [KOGITO-7699] - [SWF Editor] LS auto-completion for functionRef arguments does not work
  • [KOGITO-7731] - [SWF Editor] LS auto-completion for full functionRef object does not work
  • [KOGITO-7748] - Integration tests of stunner-editors are not parametrized to build-env settings
  • [KOGITO-7789] - KN CLI build won't finish without the -v flag


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