- [AS7-542] - Create Infinispan subsystem
- [AS7-551] - Default thread factory in jboss-as-controller
- [AS7-552] - Default thread factory in jboss-as-controller-client
- [AS7-553] - Scheduled thread pool executor using default factory in jboss-as-deployment-repository
- [AS7-554] - Scheduled thread pool executor using default factory in jboss-as-deployment-scanner
- [AS7-555] - Extensive use of default thread factories in jboss-as-host-controller
- [AS7-556] - Use of single thread executor with implied default thread factory in jboss-as-naming
- [AS7-557] - Use of default thread factory in jboss-as-process-controller
- [AS7-558] - Extensive use of default thread factories in jboss-as-server
- [AS7-561] - add XPC support
- [AS7-568] - Inject Persistence Unit into Hibernate session factory
- [AS7-572] - JPA service names should begin with a description of the service
- [AS7-573] - injection of persistence context into Hibernate session is not working
- [AS7-576] - transactional entity manager can close persistence context when invoked outside of a transaction (since there is no state kept)
- [AS7-591] - Create schema for infinispan extension
- [AS7-592] - Provide JBAS-9010 result report to operation's ResultHandler
Feature Request
- [AS7-315] - Improved support for multi-step operations
- [AS7-317] - Provide form validation and error handling
- [AS7-326] - Update to Console 1.0.0.Beta7
- [AS7-330] - Ability to create & delete datasource through the Web Management Interface
- [AS7-335] - Reimplement Server Respawn logic in HC
- [AS7-337] - Reveal detail messages (Message Center Popup)
- [AS7-342] - Add ability to register modules with the OSGi layer on framework startup
- [AS7-344] - More robust handling of previous versions of the configuration files
- [AS7-375] - Ability to specify config file from the command line
- [AS7-377] - Ability to deploy application through the console
- [AS7-168] - Connection properties disappear in the standalone.xml after running.
- [AS7-169] - correctly pass cmd args in jboss-admin.bat
- [AS7-170] - :read-resource on / of a multi-host domain only lists the DC
- [AS7-172] - Error parsing persistence.xml
- [AS7-173] - "auto-start" not set for newly created sever-configs
- [AS7-174] - Test Failures in Sun JDK 1.6.0_u20
- [AS7-176] - port offset value not correctly displayed
- [AS7-188] - LOOPBACK_ADDRESS handling missing from CommonXml.writePropertyInterfaceCriteria
- [AS7-190] - Connection URL Parse Error
- [AS7-192] - Exception in FileSystemDeploymentService when ".isdeployed" file is created
- [AS7-195] - Fix race condition between Infinispan channel creation and JGroups ChannelFactory availability
- [AS7-198] - FileSystemDeploymentService: applications cannot be undeployed by removing .deployed marker
- [AS7-199] - Typo in DeploymentScanner thread group name
- [AS7-204] - ModelNode for a JVM resource should have all its attributes initialized to undefined
- [AS7-211] - Multiple threads blocking waiting to close during smoke tests
- [AS7-212] - Replace EE APIs with the org.jboss.spec versions
- [AS7-213] - Deployment upload OOM Error
- [AS7-216] - A rar deployment must always activate or error out
- [AS7-224] - Undeployment of a RAR attempts to write RO naming context
- [AS7-225] - Remoting ConnectorAdd drops generic properties
- [AS7-227] - Incomplete warning message when starting a started server
- [AS7-229] - The object-store path configuration is ignored by TransactionSubsystemAdd
- [AS7-231] - server-group:add operation ignores socket-binding-group parameter
- [AS7-235] - AS7: "IllegalArgumentException: key is null" on deploy
- [AS7-244] - ARQ tests using ArchiveDeployer may hang in deployment API
- [AS7-248] - TldParsingDeploymentProcessor should run before WebComponentProcessor
- [AS7-250] - Can't invoke read-config-as-xml on the host
- [AS7-251] - Hibernate validator has a dependency on javax.persistence.api
- [AS7-259] - delete key acts like a backspace on linux
- [AS7-260] - Temp directory for storing deployment content uploads to the domain not created
- [AS7-261] - DC allows for registration of multiple hosts with same name
- [AS7-266] - Call to /host/<invalid> makes the API call hang
- [AS7-271] - Resource injection ends up searching for wrong target method when a resource type is specified
- [AS7-277] - JVM property is ignored when creating server-config
- [AS7-279] - @EJB with lookup = java:comp in a Servlet leads to incorrect service dependency creation
- [AS7-281] - transactional entity manager should close persistence context when invoked outside of a transaction (when component invocation completes)
- [AS7-285] - Complete infinispan subsystem describe operation handler implementation
- [AS7-288] - @ConcurrencyManagement type BEAN on a singleton EJB leads to deployment exception
- [AS7-291] - Corrupt XML configuration in unit tests
- [AS7-295] - In domain mode, ObjectStore and PutObjectStoreDirHere directory structures are created at root level of the dist
- [AS7-298] - Mgmt API access hangs for access to slaves when slave goes offline
- [AS7-397] - Flatten out the structure of the "jvm" resource
- [AS7-400] - associate an argument tab-completer with command handler
- [AS7-406] - Logging in ResourceAdaptersExtension needs cleaning
- [AS7-412] - Create an "operation-header" section in operation requests
- [AS7-435] - Eliminate usage of Executors.defaultThreadFactory()
- [AS7-437] - commands to create and remove JMS resources
- [AS7-438] - clean up the tab-complete list of commands
- [AS7-464] - Prevent concurrent conflicting write requests to the management model
- [AS7-467] - Deployment-related OperationHandler improvements
- [AS7-472] - Update OSGi Framework to use MSC services for plugins and bundles
- [AS7-475] - read input from a file
- [AS7-476] - Consider storing OSGi bundles outside the modules hirarchy
- [AS7-477] - Proper handling in the host controller process of operations that affect the runtime
- [AS7-486] - add command arg to the jboss-admin script
- [AS7-490] - Tab-completion for undeploy command argument
- [AS7-491] - make undeploy cmd w/o args list the existing deployments
- [AS7-495] - Support for deployment descriptor parsing (remaining)
- [AS7-505] - Add demos of uploading and deploying using the HTTP API
- [AS7-506] - Flesh out management representation of sockets
- [AS7-508] - display commands available in the current context for tab-completion
- [AS7-511] - Upgrade to JBossWS-CXF 4.0.0.Alpha4
- [AS7-524] - JVM configuration object model
- [AS7-527] - Provide more comprehensive error messages for missing dependencies
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