Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 3.15.2.Final - HTML format


  • [RESTEASY-2837] - Improve TS for WF 22.0.1.Final
  • [RESTEASY-2912] - Incorrect naming of JsonpMPtest class
  • [RESTEASY-2913] - Remove JacksonDataTypeTest#testDatatypeNotSupportedDuration
  • [RESTEASY-2914] - ResteasyViolationException#toString concurrency generate a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
  • [RESTEASY-2915] - Disable some MicroProfile tests with prepared MicroProfileDependent category
  • [RESTEASY-2968] - Fix rxjava2 related testing for bootable jar
  • [RESTEASY-2970] - SsePublisherClientTest fails with bootable-jar
  • [RESTEASY-2971] - FollowRedirectsTest should be annotated with MicroProfileDependent category
  • [RESTEASY-3016] - PriorityTest fails on CI as it uses a target which may not be resolvable


  • [RESTEASY-2864] - Fix code bug in Chapter 52 of User Guide
  • [RESTEASY-2876] - Move Arquillian related resources out of the resteasy-dependencies BOM


  • [RESTEASY-2843] - RESTEasy responds with a stack trace for NotFoundException

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