Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-2361] - Spring Web: use the method parameter name if annotation configuration is not provided
- [RESTEASY-2364] - Add support for remote ip/address without requiring HttpServletRequest
- [RESTEASY-2378] - Spring Controllers should work without @RequestMapping
- [RESTEASY-1914] - RESTEasy-Netty4 timeout management
- [RESTEASY-2277] - resteasy-jsapi-testing pulls in vulnerable dependencies
- [RESTEASY-2324] - RESTEasy client should disable Apache Http Client cookie management feature by default
- [RESTEASY-2386] - Microprofile rest client - redeployment WELD-001414: Bean name is ambiguous.
- [RESTEASY-2390] - Reactor Netty Client Integration leaks memory when an exception is thrown from filter chain
- [RESTEASY-2143] - Replace JavaEE spec API dependencies with corresponding JakartaEE ones
- [RESTEASY-2339] - Switch com.sun.mail:javax.mail dep to jakarta.mail:jakarta.mail-api
- [RESTEASY-2384] - Update WFLY versions in Travis CI configuration
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-2363] - Upgrade Netty to 4.1.42
- [RESTEASY-2367] - Upgrade Apache HttpClient to 4.5.6 and Apache Async HttpClient to 4.1.4
- [RESTEASY-2368] - Upgrade Jackson2 to 2.10.0
- [RESTEASY-2369] - Upgrade to SpringFramework 5.2
- [RESTEASY-2370] - Dependencies upgrades: guava, guice, fastinfoset, jetty, infinispan, hibernate-validator, projectreactor
- [RESTEASY-2371] - Upgrade BouncyCastle to 1.64
- [RESTEASY-2372] - Upgrade commons-code transitive dependency to 1.13
- [RESTEASY-2388] - Upgrade JAXB RI to 2.3.3-b01
- [RESTEASY-2389] - Update Microprofile REST Client to 1.3.4
- [RESTEASY-2220] - Throw exception instead of WARN on multiple resources matching request
- [RESTEASY-2338] - add test module for embedded tests
- [RESTEASY-2360] - Cache lookups that yield a null HeaderDelegate
- [RESTEASY-2362] - Allow UnmodifiableMultivaluedMap to create EntrySet lazily
- [RESTEASY-2375] - Allow Caching of ResteasyUriInfo construction data
- [RESTEASY-2377] - Proper handling of ClientHttpEngine configuration
- [RESTEASY-2379] - Multipart resolution with new RESTEasy @FormParam annotations
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