- [JBTM-3850] - Disable not working XTS/ssl quickstart
- [JBTM-3855] - Deprecate code in com.arjuna.orbportability.common.ant package
- [JBTM-3864] - Compensation is removed from WildFly, check compensation-transactions quickstarts
- [JBTM-3870] - Fix byteman version in quickstart
- [JBTM-3874] - The Security Manager is deprecated (JDK17) and will be removed in a future release
- [JBTM-3887] - Remove tomcat dependencies and references from Narayana
Feature Request
- [JBTM-3871] - Build Narayana with JDK 21
- [JBTM-3844] - Explain how Narayana quickstarts that use WildFly can use a WildFly version with the corresponding tag of Narayana
- [JBTM-3845] - LRA cache contains terminated nested LRAs
- [JBTM-3846] - LRA with no participants remains in the Cancelling state
- [JBTM-3848] - Investigate ProvisioningConsistencyTestCase>ProvisioningConsistencyBaseTest.testInstallationEquivalence:80 CI failures
- [JBTM-3853] - Performance test hanging
- [JBTM-3859] - MBean for JTA transaction heuristics is imprecise
- [JBTM-3881] - Unreported heuristic outcomes when using multiple last resources
- [JBTM-3882] - No warning when a second LastResourceRecord is enlisted in a transaction
- [JBTM-1801] - Move all test properties into root pom.xml
- [JBTM-3056] - Remove the xts-test-servlet dependency in narayana-full
- [JBTM-3621] - Add extra debug to facilitate diagnosing of QA test failures
- [JBTM-3793] - Move SPI repo tests into the main narayana repo
- [JBTM-3829] - jacoco-report throws error (and doesn't fail)
- [JBTM-3832] - Create an equivalent of XTS_AS_TESTS for LRA app server tests
- [JBTM-3838] - Review JTS and JTA way to handle RMFAIL in xa_rollback
- [JBTM-3847] - Enable checkstyle by default for new files and modules
- [JBTM-3852] - Enable LRA_TESTS during JACOCO PROFILE
- [JBTM-3862] - Compensation is removed from WildFly, disable integration tests
- [JBTM-3867] - CI: Do not use wildfly latest with Java 11
- [JBTM-3868] - Fix byteman versions
- [JBTM-3869] - Update commons-httpclient dependency which is now moved to httpclient5
- [JBTM-3879] - XA recovery scan cursor handling
- [JBTM-3886] - Remove tomcat quickstarts
Component Upgrade
- [JBTM-3854] - Upgrade Jandex from 3.0.5 to 3.1.7
- [JBTM-2880] - Refactor codebase to minimize usage of e.printStackTrace() call and change for using logger
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