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[DDF] Two issues: - RHDEVDOCS-2208
[DDF] This doesn't make sense. 1.13 is a K8s version not an OpenShift version. - RHDEVDOCS-2200
[DDF] Broken cross-guide links, when link is pointing to an anchor. - RHDEVDOCS-2196
IG - Reword "3.1. Installing CodeReady Workspaces in a restricted enviroment using OperatorHub" - RHDEVDOCS-2192
Edit source code icon does not work properly from the dev. topology perspective - RHDEVDOCS-2191
Fixing the links in RNaKI - RHDEVDOCS-2187
[DDF] I think this can be a bit more precise. - RHDEVDOCS-2177
CRW installation Guide should mention that installing CRW can take a long time - RHDEVDOCS-2171
[DDF] Deprecated. The value of this flag is ignored. Che operator will automatically detect if router certificate is - RHDEVDOCS-2170
[DDF] The CLI tool is supported only for OCP v3.11 clusters so why we are pointing here to OCP 4.2 cluster documentation in - RHDEVDOCS-2166
Clumsy wording in section 4.3 (adding plugin to workspace) - RHDEVDOCS-2160
Instructions for offline mirroring use podman/docker pull, which changes digests and prevents installation on ocp3.11 - RHDEVDOCS-2159
Mentions to path /home/user/ should be reviewed and fixed - RHDEVDOCS-2144
Improve "Configuring workspace exposure strategies" section in documentation - RHDEVDOCS-2138
Reference instead of local in sample devfile - RHDEVDOCS-2135
EUG - Point to specific devfile - RHDEVDOCS-2132
Remove section 3.1.2 - disambiguation between stacks and devfiles - RHDEVDOCS-2124
(Re)integrate section on namespace strategies into IG - RHDEVDOCS-2123
Please change CRW 2.2 Installation instructions for OCP 3.11 - RHDEVDOCS-2099
Documentation missing for git self signed certificate
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