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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-2123

Please change CRW 2.2 Installation instructions for OCP 3.11


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • CRW 2.3.0
    • CRW 2.2.0
    • Dev Spaces

      Discussing [1].

      2.2.2. Installing CodeReady Workspaces on OpenShift 3 using the Operator

      • Steps 3,4 and 5 seem to be about getting the domain, but this information is never required.
        "Remember this URL as <OPENSHIFT_APPS_URL>. " That information is not referenced any where further. It seems these steps are unnecessary.

      Steps 6,7,8 seem to be a three-way branch: If you are updating, if you want multiple CRW instances, or finally if you just want to install. It seems confusing the way these 3 are placed, as 'just install' seems to be the most common case. Can we please rearrange these and make it clear it's a pick-one scenario? (It seems like the user is asked to do all 3, one after the other. The intent should really be for the user to pick just one.)

      Step 8 tells the user to use the patch.yaml. Is that really necessary? (Isn't the default to just run without specifying the patch yaml and get the defaults?)

      Thank you for helping to clarify these things.

      [1] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.2/html/installation_guide/installing_codeready_workspaces_on_openshift_container_platform#installing-codeready-workspaces-on-openshift-3-using-the-operator_crw

              mmaler@redhat.com Michal Maléř
              rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
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              3 Start watching this issue
