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- PTL-1624
DO188-7: RHT1838827 ---- In section 6.2, on topics 3.5 and 3.6 on guided exercise. There are two typos in the description of the topic. - PTL-1623
DO188-49: Typo -- Container should be capitalized: "After completing this section, you should be able to create a containerfile using best practices." - PTL-1622
DO188-4: RHT1835273 - Generally labs don't provide all info to complete without looking at the solution - PTL-1621
DO188-50: User feedback -- Figure 3.3: The Quay.io welcome page This is minor, but I think a screenshot of quay.io *without* "we're are currently facing technical issues" banner would be more appealing and inspiring :) - PTL-1620
DO188-12: RHT1847547 - Missing information in the enunciate - PTL-1619
DO188-65: Feedback -- There is insufficient information given to build and create the beeper-ui:v1 container. Without know... - PTL-1618
DO188-56: EA: Ch02s03 : DNS : Enabling Domain Name Resolution - PTL-1614
DO188-1: Ch02.7 - podman run will only work if there aren't containers created with the same name - PTL-1613
DO188-36: RHT1884962 ch05s02 More explanation expected - PTL-1611
DO188-60: Ch05s02: Step 6.3 the file "index.tar.gz" should be renamed as "index.tar.xz" to avoid confusion as its not actually in gzip format - PTL-1609
DO188-6: In section 6.2 and on topic 2.5 of the guided exercise, there is a typo on the third bullet point, about the name of the network. RHT1838822 --- Typo - PTL-1608
DO188-61: Typo Feedback -- Guided Exercise: Container Logging and Troubleshooting There is a typo in point 2.5: "Attach the container to the troulbeshooting-lab network. - PTL-1605
DO188-9: Ch03: podman image prune command explained twice? - PTL-1602
DO188-55: User feedback -- Early access - PTL-1601
DO188-33: Ch05s04 Unnecessary host port mapping to postgres when using isolated network - PTL-1598
DO188-72: User feedback -- In the Guided Exercise: Rootless Podman, step 5.5 is not needed and will fail because step 5.3 did not run the container as a daemon with the -d flag - PTL-1597
DO188-63: RHT1941159 - ch09 - customer feedback - PTL-1596
DO188-52: feedback In "Storing Data with Volumes", rather than "podman-volume command" it would be more correct to say "podman volume command". Note space rather than dash. - PTL-1594
DO188-35: RHT1884912 ch04s03 review lecture material - PTL-1589
DO188-3: table has wrong port 8080 where it should be 8081 for api/v2
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