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- DBZ-2338
LSNs in replication slots are not monotonically increasing - DBZ-2412
java.lang.NullPointerException in ByLogicalTableRouter.java - DBZ-2171
Avoid divisive language in docs and option names in core connectors - DBZ-1908
Upgrade OpenShift guide - DBZ-2303
Adding new table to cdc causes the sqlconnector to fail - DBZ-2375
Entries in metrics tables should be linkable - DBZ-2397
Transaction data loss when process restarted - DBZ-2402
Update some doc file names - DBZ-2410
Improve error handling in Cassandra Connector - DBZ-2411
Upgrade to Kafka 2.6.0 - DBZ-2413
Add few MySql8 privileges support - DBZ-2415
Add support for MySql Dynamic Privileges - DBZ-2418
Confusing way of reporting incorrect DB credentials - DBZ-2423
Default value for database port isn't honoured - DBZ-2425
Support for MySql8 invisible / visible index - DBZ-2452
Snapshot fails if table or schema contain hyphens - DBZ-2200
Refactor: Add domain type for LSN - DBZ-2408
Asciidoc throw warnings while building documentation - DBZ-2427
Hitting "Unable to unregister the MBean" when stopping an embedded engine - DBZ-2454
Update to Quarkus 1.7.1.Final
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