Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- RHPAM-412
[Guided DecisionTable] Incorrect getters and setters for fields that starts with one lowercase letter - RHPAM-2338
IllegalStateException displayed briefly in the UI when logging out from business-central - RHPAM-2175
Adding a system account for connecting to Workbench internal REST/API - RHPAM-2491
Business central about page shows incorrect product version - RHPAM-2608
Increase DataGrid 7.3 image tag version to 1.4 in OpenShift templates - RHPAM-2599
The new naming of folders in sources.zip is inconsistent - RHPAM-2558
PIM Service cannot create a database schema on Oracle database - RHPAM-2723
[operator UI] LDAP Role recursion binds to wrong variable - RHPAM-2181
Cannot edit guided decision tables when language is not english - RHPAM-2629
Unable to access swagger document when using headless process controller. - RHPAM-2639
Adjust Kie server system properties descriptions - RHPAM-2478
not able to delete kieContainer after deploying container several times with same containerID due to an error - RHPAM-2439
Provide options to change default datasource and hibernate dialect in persistence.xml file which is created in project. - RHPAM-2429
Stunner designer strips square brackets characters - HT Notification - RHPAM-2422
case management - task boundary timers error at runtime - RHPAM-2260
Remove MSSQL externaldb ejb3 timer SQL workaround - RHPAM-2209
Support mounting the rolemapping file and the Git Hooks directory in Operator deployment of RHPAM/RHDM - RHPAM-2080
Permission issues with SSO - RHPAM-2310
PIM - Create image module - RHPAM-2713
Build RHPAM 7.7.0 Images
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