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java-new-enum-const should follow the naming conventionFORGE-2482
When setting up JSF, make sure to allow comments in the pageFORGE-2479
Being able to add a constant to a target classFORGE-2474
Being able to add a constraint not just on propertiesFORGE-2468
Being able to add methods to an existing JSF backing beanFORGE-2466
Cannot use '~' in most of the command parametersFORGE-2434
Being able to create new Websocket DecoderFORGE-2433
Being able to create new Websocket EncoderFORGE-2417
Being able to add a datasource definitionFORGE-2416
Being able to send JMS messagesFORGE-2415
Being able to add a JMS connection factory definitionFORGE-2414
Being able to add a JMS destination definitionFORGE-2413
websocket-setup command should also have 1.1 versionFORGE-2412
Being able to setup Java EE concurrencyFORGE-2411
Being able to send emailsFORGE-2410
Being able to add a mail session definitionFORGE-2409
Being able to setup emailsFORGE-2397
Being able to create new Websocket Server endpointsFORGE-2395
Being able to create new Websocket Client endpointsFORGE-2394
Being able to add methods to an existing Websocket Client or Server endpoints
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