
    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 3.x Future
    • 2.17.0.Final
    • Java EE

      It would be good to have a command to quickly add a new DatasourceDefinition :

      jpa-add-datasource-definition --named java:global/MyApp/myDS --className org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource --port 1527 --server localhost -dbName testDB --user scott --password tiger

      This will create a new class called org.myproject.DatasourceResources if it doesn't exist, and will add a new DatasourceDefinition :

      package org.myproject;
                 name = "java:global/MyApp/myDS",
                 className = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
                 portNumber = 1527,
                 serverName = "localhost",
                 databaseName = "testDB",
                 user = "lance",
                 password = "secret"
      public class DatasourceResources {

      Tying the command a second time will add a new DatasourceDefinition to the exiting DatasourceDefinitions :

      package org.myproject;
      package org.myproject;
                 name = "java:global/MyApp/myDS",
                 className = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource",
                 portNumber = 1527,
                 serverName = "localhost",
                 databaseName = "testDB",
                 user = "lance",
                 password = "secret"
      public class DatasourceResources {

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            agoncal Antonio Goncalves (Inactive)
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