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- OADP-3630
DevFix: openshift-velero-plugin panics on imagestream backup, due to a missing secret - OADP-4668
Make using Velero CLI via velero deployment with caCert simple. - OADP-3971
Additional secrets not mounted in all providers - OADP-3995
nodeSelector in DPA applies extra "node-role.kubernetes.io/app" label to pod - OADP-3070
DataMover - datadownloads resources aren't spread evenly across the nodes - OADP-3009
FS backup create PodVolumeBackup when the backup excluded PVC - OADP-641
Support self-signed certificate for internal image backup. - OADP-4833
oadp-1.4 DPA reconcile successfully on wrong VSL secret key name - OADP-2938
Backup should immediately fail when nodeAgent pods are not running - OADP-3105
Only the 1st PVR is updated with status when app deployed over NFS w/ filesystem Kopia or restic - OADP-2944
backup spec.resourcepolicy.kind is only respected with lower-level string - OADP-3378
Wrong/ misleading certificate error log for backup when certificate check is disabled - OADP-3474
Intermittent failures on restore due to "couldn't get current server API group list" - OADP-3759
Velero shouldn't restore the restore-wait init container - OADP-3039
PodVolumeBackup/Restore CR status not marked as failed after backup/restore is failed - OADP-3052
DPA reconcile successfully on wrong VSL secret key name - OADP-3316
Velero doesn't update/re-create backupRepositories - OADP-3143
image registry backup: S3 storage doesn't use proxy environment when skipVerify=true - OADP-3360
PVC has a left out label related to volumeSnapshot after success FileSystem Restore - OADP-2773
Must gather fails to remove clusterRoleBinding resources
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