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  1. Container / Cluster Management (XCM) Strategy
  2. XCMSTRAT-1016

Creation of Node Pools with Specific x.y.z Version


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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    • XCMSTRAT-410ARO HCP (P3) - Private Preview
    • 0

      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)  

      Given valid y-stream versions 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, and 4.16 and a control plane version of 4.15.10, this feature tracks the ability to select which node pool version a customer would like to use.

      There are two main restrictions on the node pool version:

      1. Its version must be less than or equal to the control plane version (i.e. any 4.13.z or 4.15.[0-10]-(ec/rc))
      2. Its y-stream version must not have more than 2 versions of skew with the control plane (i.e. 4.13.z is ok, but 4.12.z would not be ok)

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      • As a customer, I can create a Node Pool at a version I select
      • As a customer, I have a way to know what are the available Node Pool versions I can create
      • As a customer, when I list my existing Node Pools, I can see what version they are at

      Out of Scope

      • Upgrading the version of a node pool. At the completion of this feature, a customer will be able to "upgrade" node pools by creating a node pool at a newer version and deleting their older version node pool. Since this process can only happen if the control plane has been upgraded, this feature depends on XCMSTRAT-624

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mshen.openshift Michael Shen
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