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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1046

<has-hint> and <has-classification> is missing in the documentation.


      Add the following (after edit) to the docs, somewhere around <file>, <xmlfile> and <javaclass>:

      The <has-hint> condition tests whether a file or a line has a hint attached to it.
      It is used for two purposes:

      1) to prevent adding classifications to a file if it already contains a hint.
      2) To implement so-called "catchall rules" - see [DOCS LINK HERE].

      Usage example:

              <rule id="websphere-xml-06000">
                      <file filename="ibm-web-bnd.{file_ext}" as="1"/>
                      <xmlfile from="1" matches="/webappbnd:WebAppBinding" as="2">
                          <namespace prefix="webappbnd" uri="webappbnd.xmi"/>
                      <iteration over="2">
                          <hint title="WebSphere web application binding" effort="5">
                                This file configures the specific WebSphere Web application bindings.
                                Configure EAP 6 Web subsystem accordingly using the CLI interface or web console.
                              <link title="Configure the EAP 6 Web Subsystem" href="https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.4/html-single/Administration_and_Configuration_Guide/index.html#chap-Web_Subsystem"/>
                              <link href="http://docs.jboss.org/jbossweb/7.0.x/" title="JBoss Web configuration"/>
                      <iteration over="1">
                                  <has-hint />
                          <classification title="WebSphere web application binding descriptor" effort="0">
                              <description>WebSphere 6 web application binding configuration file.</description>
                              <link title="WebAppBinding javadoc" href="http://rjweb002.royalsun.com.br/configDocs/webappbnd/WebAppBinding.html"/>
                  <where param="file_ext">
                     <matches pattern="xml|xmi" />

      Usage scenario 1) is related to WINDUPRULE-164 and may be discouraged when WINDUP-1041 is implemented.

            rhn-support-chuffman Christian Huffman
            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
