As of March 3, 2025, Jira and Confluence support queue/operations have been moved from ServiceNow to Jira Service Management (JSM). Please raise support requests by visiting the JSM Portal.
Start by renaming the host-[master/slave].xml configuration files and run the test suite to fix the affected test cases. Focus only on the configuration file rename, don't change anything else. Do not change the tests changed on WFCORE-5845 or WFLY-16149. DomainTestSupport is also used in WildFly full, so changes on this file are likely to affect full integration Jobs.
Change the default name of the domain controller on each of the relevant files used to configure the domain in the test suite. Re-run the test suite to discover the affected tests and fix them.
Change the system property names, see DomainTestSupport (, ... and so on). Probably it will affect the integration too.