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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-12300

Convert to Jakarta EE 8 specification APIs


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 18.0.0.Final
    • None
    • Server
    • None

      This is a top-level task for moving WildFly to specification API artifacts associated with Jakarta EE 8.

      The Jakarta EE 8 spec APIs are meant to be fully compatible with their Java EE 8 analogues, so this is not expected to result in runtime behavioral differences.

      I don't anticipate code changes specific to this top level task. Instead changes will be associated with other issues linked to this one.

      The overall goal is to use API jars that either directly come from the Jakarta EE projects, or that use code closely based on those projects; i.e. that are forks derived from the Jakarta EE code that incorporate jboss.org specific changes and whose maintainers monitor the Jakarta EE projects and bring over needed changes and contribute any relevant jboss.org changes back.

      For each JBoss specification API fork that existed in EAP 7.2, a designated owner for that API jar has been determined. The task for each owner consists of:

      1. Create/update a jboss.org Jakarta fork.
      2. Track work on that fork via issues in the https://issues.jboss.org/projects/JBEE JIRA project. If there is a high-level issue for that fork, the component owner should link it to this issue via a 'relates to' link.
      3. For the fork, the component owner must create a WFLY or WFCORE JIRA to track the change of the WildFly code to use the Jarkarta EE based artifact. That can either be a subtask of this task, or a separate issue linked to this once such that that issue is 'incorporated by' this one. That JIRA should have priority 'Critical' and should have its Fix Version set to 18.0.0.Final or 10.0.0.Final for WFCORE.

      Generally, WildFly and WildFly Core do not accept non-Final artifacts into their master branch. For projects that we are forking from the Jakarta EE projects, we are making an exception to this rule:

      Once a Jakarta API project has made a staging release and submitted the specification for formal approval, it is acceptable for the jboss.org fork of that project to produce a CR release based on the code in that staged release and ask that it be incorporated into master.

      In fact, doing this is strongly encouraged as it allows us to further verify the fork.

      Once the staged release is approved, the component owner must as soon as possible (e.g. the next working day) produce a .Final artifact from the fork and submit a component upgrade PR.

      For artifacts that will not involve a fork (e.g. JPA), the component owner should plan to file a PR moving to the Jakarta artifact (e.g. jakarta.persistence:jakarta.persistence-api) as soon as the official version after Jakarta is available in maven central (after Jakarta EE 8 final release).

      Following are the relevant APIs, organized by the maven GA of the artifact produced by the Jakarta project, along with the 'owner' of that component:

      API Owner
      jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api Yeray Borges
      jakarta.batch:jakarta.batch-api Cheng Fang
      jakarta.ejb:jakarta.ejb-api Cheng Fang/Tomasz Adamski
      jakarta.el:jakarta.el-api Scott Marlow
      jakarta.enterprise.concurrent:jakarta.enterprise.concurrent-api Eduardo Martins
      jakarta.faces:jakarta.faces-api Farah Juma
      jakarta.interceptor:jakarta.interceptor-api Yeray Borges
      jakarta.jms:jakarta.jms-api Emmanuel Hugonnet
      jakarta.management.j2ee:jakarta.management.j2ee-api Jeff Mesnil
      jakarta.resource:jakarta.resource-api Stefano Maestri
      jakarta.security.auth.message:jakarta.security.auth.message-api Darran Lofthouse / Farah Juma
      jakarta.security.jacc:jakarta.security.jacc-api Darran Lofthouse / Farah Juma
      jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api Flavia Rainone
      jakarta.servlet.jsp:jakarta.servlet.jsp-api Flavia Rainone
      jakarta.transaction:jakarta.transaction-api Tom Jenkinson
      jakarta.websocket:jakarta.websocket-all Flavia Rainone
      jakarta.ws.rs:jakarta.ws.rs-api Ron Sigal
      jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api Jim Ma
      jakarta.xml.rpc:jakarta.xml.rpc-api Jim Ma
      jakarta.xml.soap:jakarta.xml.soap-api Jim Ma
      jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api Jim Ma

          Upgrade jboss-batch-api_1.0_spec from 1.0.2.Final to 2.0.0.Final Component Upgrade Subtask Closed Critical Cheng Fang
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.el from 1.0.13.Final to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Critical Scott Marlow
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.jms.jboss-jms-api_2.0_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Emmanuel Hugonnet
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.annotation from 1.0.1.Final to 2.0.1.Final Sub-task Closed Critical Yeray Borges Santana
          Upgrade jboss-concurrency-api_1.0_spec from 1.0.2.Final to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Eduardo Martins
          Move to jakarta.security.enterprise:jakarta.security.enterprise-api and org.glassfish.soteria:jakarta.security.enterprise Sub-task Closed Major Diana Krepinska
          Move to Jakarta approved version of jakarta.security.enterprise:jakarta.security.enterprise-api Sub-task Closed Blocker Darran Lofthouse
          Upgrade jboss-jaxrs-api_2.1_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Alessio Soldano
          Upgrade jboss-jakarta-connector-api_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Stefano Maestri
          Move jboss-j2eemgmt-api_1.1_spec from 1.0.2.Final to 2.0.0.CR1 Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.servlet.jboss-servlet-api_4.0_spec to 2.0.0.CR2 Sub-task Closed Major Flavia Rainone
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.websockets to 2.0.0.CR1 Sub-task Closed Major Flavia Rainone
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.servlet.jsp.jboss-jsp-api_2.3_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Flavia Rainone
          Upgrade jboss-jaxws-api_2.3_spec from 1.0.0.Final to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Jim Ma
          Upgrade jboss-jaxb-api_2.3_spec from 1.0.1.Final to 2.0.0.CR1 Sub-task Closed Major Jim Ma
          Upgrade jboss-saaj-api and saaj-impl from 1.3 to 1.4 Sub-task Closed Blocker Jim Ma
          Upgrade jboss-jaxrpc-api_1.1_spec from 1.0.2.Final to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Jim Ma
          Update jboss-jakarta-ejb-api_spec to 2.0.0.CR1 Sub-task Closed Major Tomasz Adamski
          Upgrade jboss-jms-api_2.0_spec from 1.0.2.Final to 2.0.0.CR1 Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Rename BOMs artifactIds with javaee8-* to jakartaee8-* Sub-task Closed Blocker Eduardo Martins
          Switch from javax.persistence:javax.persistence-api to jakarta.persistence:jakarta.persistence-api Sub-task Closed Major Scott Marlow
          Upgrade BOMs and QS due to spec artifacts which groupId/artifactId changed Sub-task Closed Blocker Eduardo Martins
          Move javax.json.bind to jakarta.json.bind Sub-task Closed Major James Perkins
          Migrate javax.json to jakarta.json Sub-task Closed Blocker James Perkins
          Move to jakarta.inject:jakarta.inject-api Sub-task Closed Major James Perkins
          Upgrade jboss-jsf-api_2.3_spec to 3.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major James Perkins
          Upgrade jboss-transaction-api_1.3_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Tom Jenkinson
          Move javax.validation to jakarta.validation Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Move com.sun.mail:javax.mail to com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail-api Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Upgrade CDI dependency to the one from Jakarta Sub-task Closed Major Tom Jenkinson
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.servlet.jboss-servlet-api_4.0_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Blocker James Perkins
          Move from javax.activation:activation:1.1.1 to com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:1.2.1 Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.websockets to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Flavia Rainone
          Add entries to maven-enforcer-plugin ban-bad-dependencies config for artifacts whose maven GA has changed Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Upgrade jboss-ejb-api_3.2_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Tomasz Adamski
          Upgrade org.jboss.spec.javax.management.j2ee:jboss-j2eemgmt-api_1.1_spec to 2.0.0.Final Sub-task Closed Major Jeff Mesnil
          Align license.xml content with standard names and urls Sub-task Closed Major Brian Stansberry
          Remove Quickstarts docs references to Java EE Sub-task Closed Major Eduardo Martins

              smarlow1@redhat.com Scott Marlow
              bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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