Resolution: Done
The following uses can be changed without any breaking impact:
wildfly-elytron-integration (3 usages found)
org.wildfly.extension.elytron (3 usages found)
ClassLoadingAttributeDefinitions (1 usage found)
resolveClassLoader(String) (1 usage found)
46 ModuleIdentifier mi = ModuleIdentifier.fromString(module);
DirContextDefinition (1 usage found)
obtainDirContextSupplier(OperationContext, ModelNode, InjectedValue<ExceptionSupplier<CredentialSource, Exception>>, InjectedValue<AuthenticationContext>, InjectedValue<SSLContext>) (1 usage found)
163 ModuleIdentifier mi = ModuleIdentifier.create(moduleName);
PermissionMapperDefinitions (1 usage found)
createPermission(Permission) (1 usage found)
407 ModuleIdentifier mi = ModuleIdentifier.fromString(permission.getModule());
Note: The existing DirContextDefinition use is a bug as the passed in value may have a slot included. It should have been ModuleIdentifier.fromString