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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-3334

Complement Service Discovery part


    • Sprint 2020-57, integration-doc-2020-01-27

      8.2.1. Configuring with RH SSO

      Since OpenShift OAuth server is not RHSSO, 8.2.1 conflicts with RH-SSO in 8.2.1 should be general OAuth Server.

      Ensure that users have proper permissions to view cluster projects containing discoverable services.

      For example, to give <user> view permission for the <namespace> project, use this command:

      oc adm policy add-role-to-user view <user> -n <namespace>

      Please go into detail, since it's difficult to find what user and namespace mean here. It's the admin user of a namespace that has a service should be discovered.

      8.3. Discovering services


      Log in to the 3scale Administration Portal.
      From the Admin Portal’s Dashboard, click New API.
      Choose Import from OpenShift.

      When OAuth token isn't valid, 3scle should be authorised by the namespace admin like this:

      So please add a note for the process.

        1. 1-authenticate.png
          16 kB
          Takayuki Konishi
        2. 2-login.png
          15 kB
          Takayuki Konishi
        3. 3-authorize.png
          48 kB
          Takayuki Konishi

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-tkonishi Takayuki Konishi
              Priscill Orue Priscill Orue
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