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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-2184

Further clarify or remove the mention for CPU and Memory based metrics in the "Access Control" Documentation


      Doc Notes

      Repo: Red_Hat_3scale_Documentation

      Branch: 2184-clarify-metrics-other-than-hits

      Topic: api-definition-methods-metrics.adoc in Admin Portal Guide

      Guide: Admin Portal Guide

      Doc Change Description:

      Need to add clarification as per support feedback below.

      Currently, the "Access Control" Documentation in "Chapter 1. Defining Your API (Methods And Metrics)" states:

      For measuring other, not hit-based usage of your API, you can define new Metrics and report the usage in different units. A unit can be anything meaningful: megabytes, CPU time, number of elements returned by the API etc.

      Link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_3scale_api_management/2.4/html/access_control/api-definition-methods-metrics

      This might lead customers to believe that reporting CPU and Megabytes is an out of the box feature, while currently our metrics are only based on Hits, unless the Endpoint Service Management Report is used specifically for this end (see THREESCALE-2140) and an external Service calls it continuously to report a metric not based on Hits.

      Hence, it might be a good idea to either further clarify that non-Hits metrics (CPU, Memory, etc.) are not supported out of the box and need to be defined by using an Endpoint (Service Management Report), or just remove the mention to it.

              cmansell@redhat.com Carl Mansell (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ekonecsn Estevao Konecsni
              Carl Mansell Carl Mansell (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
