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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-10381

ProxyConfigPromote CR - improve config to stage promotion


    • RHOAM Sprint 49, RHOAM Sprint 50, RHOAM Sprint 51, RHOAM Sprint 52


      Product in 3scale can be promoted from base product to stage env, then to production env.
      When we are promoting product from stage to production via CR, we always check if there's a difference and if no difference between existing stage and prod is discovered, the CR status is failed with message that no promotion happened due to no changes detected between envs.

      When promoting base to stage, the check is missing and we are bumping whatever is in base to stage regardless.

      This is a bit confusing behaviour because of it's inconsistency.

      We should ensure that base product is confirmed to be different before removing the proxyConfigPromote CR and if no difference is found, a status message should be populated like in case of the production bump and CR should not be deleted.

      This can be achieved by fetching the currentConfig here: https://github.com/3scale/3scale-operator/blob/master/controllers/capabilities/proxyconfigpromote_controller.go#L150 then bump product to stage, then confirm that the latestStageProxy config is different than the currentConfig fetched before. If no difference is found between versions of base and stage log a status error message for the customers.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mstoklus_rhmi Michal Stokluska
              Darren Fennessy Darren Fennessy
              Martin Kudlej Martin Kudlej
              Carl Kyrillos Carl Kyrillos
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
