Resolution: Done
- Stop server
- Import from any database via JDBC
- Start server
- preview data
I generated source model from a database (SQL Server) via JDBC. When I go through wizard I haven't started server so the data source haven't been set (screenshot1). I started a server and I wanted to preview data, shows me dialog (TEIIDDES-2904) if I had wanted to create DS. I clicked yes and ok but server shows error:
org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryPlannerException: TEIID30498 Capabilities for SQL_Server_2008_Books were not available. The command could not be planned properly.
I tried to create the data source (with the same name) manually but the error is still there TEIIDDES-2950. I had to delete data source from the server and create it again or set another name of the datasource.
I deleted datasource.
When I generated a model from a database via JDBC again (but a server was running) and I checked Auto-create Data Source (screenshot2), preview worked fine.
So I notice that datasource haven't set a password when DS is created before the preview.
I looked to standalone.xml
Datasource which is created before preview:
datasource jndi-name="java:/SQL_Server_2008_Books_DS" pool-name="SQL_Server_2008_Books_DS" enabled="true"> <connection-url>connection url</connection-url> <driver>sqljdbc4.jar</driver> <security> <user-name>books</user-name> </security> </datasource>
Datasource which is created in the import wizard:
<datasource jndi-name="java:/SQL_Server_2008_Books_DS" pool-name="SQL_Server_2008_Books_DS" enabled="true"> <connection-url>connection url</connection-url> <driver>sqljdbc4.jar</driver> <security> <user-name>books</user-name> <password>**</password> </security> </datasource>