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  1. Konveyor Tackle
  2. TACKLE-93

Pathfinder Reports - Adoption plan


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Reports
    • None
    • AMM Sprint 201, Sprint 202 AMM, Sprint 203 AMM
    • None

      As a Pathfinder User I want to be able to generate the Suggested Adoption Plan Report so that I can plan the migration work in the context of the priority, inter dependencies, effort and the decision.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      1. Only reviewed application that satisfy the selection criteria will be shown in the table and report.
      2. The report layout will be consistent with the UX design (Adoption Candidate Distribution).
      3. The Gantt view has the
      3.1). The order of the applications (top to bottom), the y-coordinate, will be based on priority (descending). Applications that have the same priority will be ordered by Application Name ascending.
      3.2). Bar color coded to reflect the decision color key
      3.3). Bar length proportionate to the effort
      3.4). Bar start position (x-coordinate) influenced by dependencies
      3.5). Bar visibility - only showing applications selected in the table.

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              rhn-support-nsrivast Nitish Srivastava (Inactive)
              pcattana Philip Cattanach
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
