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  1. Konveyor Tackle
  2. TACKLE-132

Pathfinder Reports - Risks


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Reports
    • None
    • AMM Sprint 201, Sprint 202 AMM, Sprint 203 AMM
    • None

      As a Pathfinder User I want to be able to generate the Risks Report so that I can plan the migration work in the context of the Risks discovered for each Application through the Assessment process.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      1. Only reviewed applications that satisfy the selection criteria will be shown in the table and report.
      2. The report layout will be consistent with the UX design (Risks).
      3. It must be possible to filter the data in the risks table by Application Name, Question (wildcarded substring) and Answer (windcarded substring).
      4. The only questions/answers listed should be the Red Risk ones (added to User Story 17th June to be consistent with legacy Pathfinder).

              ghubale Ganesh Hubale (Inactive)
              pcattana Philip Cattanach
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
