Resolution: Done
As a developer, I want subscription data structures to support measurements other than sockets/cores, so that I can store both SaaS contract subscription data and traditional RHEL, OpenShift, etc. subscription data in the same place, and so that the subscription API can be updated to support more metrics.
Create a new table subscription_measurements having the following columns:
PK? | Column name | type | comments |
Y | subscription_id | varchar(255) | FK to subscription |
Y | start_date | Timestamp with time zone | FK to subscription |
Y | metric_id | varchar(255) | Swatch-specific metric identifier |
Y | measurement_type | varchar(255) | Used to record hypervisor or other categories of measurement |
value | Double precision | The provided capacity |
Populate the table from existing data in subscription_capacity, according to the following logic:
subscription_capacity column | Resulting row | comments |
sockets | metric_id: SOCKETS measurement_type: PHYSICAL value: $sockets |
Create row if sockets > 0 |
hypervisor_sockets | metric_id: SOCKETS measurement_type: HYPERVISOR value: $hypervisor_sockets |
Create row if hypervisor_sockets > 0 |
cores | metric_id: CORES measurement_type: PHYSICAL value: $cores |
Create row if cores > 0 |
hypervisor_cores | metric_id: CORES measurement_type: HYPERVISOR value: $hypervisor_cores |
Create row if hypervisor_cores > 0 |
Add has_unlimited_usage column to the subscription table, and populate it via values in subscription_capacity.
Afterwards, refactor the subscription_capacity table:
- remove primary key
- drop all columns, except for product_id, subscription_id, and begin_date
- rename begin_date to start_date for consistency
- set primary key to product_id, subscription_id, start_date
- make primary key a foreign key to subscriptions
- rename the table to subscription_product_ids
- DB changes implemented as liquibase migrations
- JPA entities created & updated
- queries updated to use the new tables/entities=
- Update rhsm-subscriptions-egress to add the new subscriptions_measurements table
TODO: determine the fate of subscription_capacity_view
Regression Test should be sufficient
- is blocked by
SWATCH-1266 Ensure referential integrity between subscription and subscription_capacity
- Closed
- is related to
SWATCH-1031 Design capacity_measurements table
- Closed