Resolution: Done
Strategic Portfolio Work
OCPSTRAT-103 - Ensuring the Control Plane is Fully Decoupled for Hosted Control Planes
Storage Sprint 224, Storage Sprint 225, Storage Sprint 226, Storage Sprint 227, Storage Sprint 228
As HyperShift Cluster Instance Admin, I want to run cluster-csi-snapshot-controller-operator in the management cluster, so the guest cluster runs just my applications.
To run the snapshot operator, control-plane-operator must:
- Create ServiceAccount for the operator.
- Generate csi-snapshot-webhook-secret with TLS key for the webhook.
- Create csi-snapshot-controller-kubeconfig with kubeconfig for the operator + operand to the guest cluster. Sharing the kubeadmin kubeconfig with the rest of components running in the management cluster is OK in Phase 1.
- Create the operator Deployment.
- Pass it csi-snapshot-controller-kubeconfig as a Secrets volume + cmdline argument where the operator finds it.
- Add an init container that waits until CVO creates CSISnapshotController CRD + CR + ClusterOperator in the guest cluster.
Exit criteria:
- cluster-csi-snapshot-controller-operator runs in the management cluster in HyperShift
- csi-snapshot-controller runs in the management cluster in HyperShift
- It is possible to take & restore volume snapshot in the guest cluster.
- No regressions in standalone OCP.
- is blocked by
STOR-971 Update snapshot operator for HyperShift
- Closed
- links to