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  1. OpenShift Storage
  2. STOR-679

Promote OSP Cinder CSI/Operator Generally Available


    • CSI operator for OSP Cinder (GA)
    • False
    • False
    • Done
    • OCPPLAN-7783 - CSI Cloud Providers
    • OCPPLAN-7783CSI Cloud Providers

      Epic Goal

      • The goal of this epic is to promote OSP Cinder CSI/Operator GA
      • A similar OS as Infra epic (OSASINFRA-1611) was completed in 4.7 and brought supportability confusion between the OSP and OCP teams.
      • We want the GA support to backported up until 4.7 if possible.
      • More details on the current supportability misalignments are available [here|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PiNSoBfJ7BlqCNWnIXSgwf5YIe5JdD0pF6Y7DgfJIPs/edit?usp=sharing.]
      • This epic should be QE only, we want to make sure that the CI and automation are in place.
        • Eng should look at the different bugs we have in 4.7, 4.8 & 4.9 to assess if anything important need to be backported to grant full support.

      Why is this important?

      • OCP on OSP is a strategic deployment, in-tree provisioner being deprecated soon in favor of CSI, we need full support for provisioning OCP PVs from OSP via Cinder CSI.
      • We need to have Cinder CSI GA to proceed with the in-tree to CSI migration
      • We already have customers using Cinder CSI (see numbers in the doc above)

      Previous Work (Optional):

      1. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSASINFRA-1611
      2. Cinder CSI is currently tagged tech preview


            rhn-engineering-jsafrane Jan Safranek
            rh-gs-gcharot Gregory Charot
            Wei Duan Wei Duan
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
