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  1. OpenShift Specialist Platform Team
  2. SPLAT-1856

[pext-vsphere] investigate 'bootstrap timeout' when installing clusters on vSphere

    • OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 262

      User Story:
      As an OpenShift Engineer I want [pext-vsphere] investigate 'bootstrap timeout' when installing clusters on vSphere so platform type external feature can be exercised in vSphere environment and partners can getting confidence, and OCP release signals will not be impacted.

      < Record any background information >

      Acceptance Criteria:
      < Record how we'll know we're done >

      Other Information:
      < Record anything else that may be helpful to someone else picking up the card >

      issue created by splat-bot

              rhn-support-rvanderp Richard Vanderpool
              rhn-ocp-splat-service-account OpenShift SPLAT Service Account
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
