Description of problem:
Generating Job - Invocation Report in HTML output format is inappropriate in RedHat Satellite 6
How reproducible:
Is this issue a regression from an earlier version:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Schedule a remote job on a host from Satellite WEBUI as follows:
**Satellite WEBUI -> Hosts -> All host -> select Host and click on "Schedule Remote Job"
- Job category: Commands
- Job template: Run Command - Script Default
- Command:
echo "BLA1"
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config - Select "Run on selected hosts" for an example host.
2. Click on "Create Report" from the same page, or from the below path:
**Satellite WEBUI -> Monitor -> Job -> click on the Job executed -> Click on "Create Report" -> select "Output format - HTML" -> Generate
Actual behavior:
The output of the command in the generated report seems to have no spaces or remove line breaks.
Expected behavior:
The actual command output format should be printed in the generated report
Business Impact / Additional info: