Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
Problem Statement
Red Hat Satellite 6.16 can be installed on RHEL 9 and uses the ansible-core from appstream repo.
We are hitting the same issue as https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-54538 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/80490 ) for the target RHELs having Python 3.12 installed as the ansible-core version is 2.14.
While 2.16 is present for RHEL 8.10, the same is not available for RHEL 9.4 or 9.5 and that is concerning.
User Experience & Workflow
- Install RH Satellite 6.X ( X being the future version where the feature will land )
- Register either a RHEL 10 system or RHEL 9 system having Python 3.12 set as default
- Try to run a role/playbook from satellite onto those target systems, involving uri or get_url modules.
- Result should be successful without running into the same error as https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-54538
Ansible Core 2.16 for RHEL 9
Ansible core 2.14 with the commit backported into it for RHEL 9
( either via rhel repos or perhaps via satellite repos )
Business Impact
There could be RHEL 9 users present who want to use python 3.12 as their default python version but They won't be able to completely manage those systems via ansible of satellite, if it's missing the fix .
Moreover, the decision taken by RHEL management to not release Ansble core 2.16 for RHEL 9 ( https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/updates-using-ansible-core-in-rhel ), could server as a blocker for RHEL 10 host management by satellite in near future.