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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-28820

Deprecate the org/locs setting on the individual RBAC Filters


    • Endeavour
    • 2
    • False
    • Sat_docs_14_2024, Sat_docs_15_2024
    • Deprecated Functionality
    • Hide
      .Overriding organizations and locations on the filter level
      The ability for a filter to override organizations and locations associated with a role is deprecated in 6.16. When the functionality is removed, filters will honor the organizations and locations set at the role level.
      .Overriding organizations and locations on the filter level The ability for a filter to override organizations and locations associated with a role is deprecated in 6.16. When the functionality is removed, filters will honor the organizations and locations set at the role level.
    • Done
    • None

      It should be only possible to set the org/log on the entire Role. For more details, please see https://issues.redhat.com/browse/SAT-28731 and check with aruzicka@redhat.com 

              apetrova@redhat.com Aneta Šteflová Petrová
              rhn-engineering-mhulan Marek Hulan
              Aneta Šteflová Petrová Aneta Šteflová Petrová
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
