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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-28108

BOLD sentence drawing user attention to checkbox they should default to use


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Problem Statement

      When adding errata or packages to an incremental content view it takes hours to republish and promote.  This is caused by dependency checking that is happening by default.  This was mentioned in a kbase that after 6.14 this feature to skip would be enabled by default but as of 6.15 that is not happening.  There is a checkbox and verbiage alerting users to the amount of time to republish.  It would be nice if the first sentence of this verbiage was bold or highlighted somehow drawing users attention to this selection so that they probably should use feature when making minimal incremental content view updates.


      Incremental update of a Content View takes too long in Satellite 6

      Incremental update of the content view takes very long time to complete on Red Hat Satellite 6


      User Experience & Workflow

      Select errata to be deployed.  Errata is not part of the current content view suggesting the user to increment the content view in order to add the errata.  On the confirmation page there is two check box options. The top checkbox option that is unchecked by default is "Skip dependency solving for a significant speed increase.  If the update cannot be applied to the host, delete the incremental content view version and retry the application with dependency solving turned on."


      Highlight or bold the sentence "Skip dependency solving for a significant speed increase." thus drawing the users attention to that feature and enabling it.

      Business Impact

      Customer satisfaction - publishing normal content view updates are quick.  Publishing minimal package change erratas into incremental content views takes many hours to complete.  What should be a simple task for our customers could negatively impact their user experience.


            iballou@redhat.com Ian Ballou
            pbuchan Peter Buchan Jr
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            1 Start watching this issue
