Resolution: Done-Errata
Phoenix - Content, Platform
Sprint 139, Sprint 140, Sprint 141
Description of problem:
Upgrade fails in post-upgrade checks with Candlepin refusing to start due to MigrationFailedException
How reproducible:
Is this issue a regression from an earlier version:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have a blank 6.15 satellite
2. Run preupgrade-a4ebbfa1-106a-4962-9c7c-082833879ae8 test to create one yum and one file repo (with uploaded file) and publish them in a CV.
3. Run upgrade to 6.16.0
Actual behavior:
The upgrade fails in post-upgarde checks, candlepin fails to start.
Running Checks after upgrading
Check number of fact names in database: [OK]
Clean old Kernel and initramfs files from tftp-boot: [OK]
Check for verifying syntax for ISP DHCP configurations: [OK]
Check whether all services are running: [OK]
Check whether all services are running using the ping call: [FAIL]
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, candlepin_events
Continue with step [Restart applicable services]? (assuming yes)
Restart applicable services:
Restarting the following service(s):
postgresql, tomcat
/ All services restarted
\ Try 1/5: checking status of hammer ping
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, foreman_tasks, candlepin_events
- Try 2/5: checking status of hammer ping
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, candlepin_events
/ Try 3/5: checking status of hammer ping
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, foreman_tasks, candlepin_events - Try 4/5: checking status of hammer ping
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, foreman_tasks, candlepin_eventsTry 5/5: checking status of hammer ping [FAIL]
Server response check failed!
Rerunning the check after fix procedure
Check whether all services are running using the ping call: [FAIL]
Some components are failing: candlepin, candlepin_auth, foreman_tasks, candlepin_events
From candlepin.log:
2024-09-17 09:31:43,904 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Candlepin initializing context.
2024-09-17 09:31:43,905 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Candlepin reading configuration.
2024-09-17 09:31:43,910 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Loading candlepin.conf configuration!
2024-09-17 09:31:43,961 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Validating configurations.
2024-09-17 09:31:43,969 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Candlepin will show support for the following capabilities: [instance_multiplier, derived_product, vcpu, cert_v3, hypervisors_heartbeat, remove_by_pool_id, syspurpose, storage_band, cores, multi_environment, hypervisors_async, org_level_content_access, typed_environments, guest_limit, ram, batch_bind]
2024-09-17 09:31:43,973 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.database.DatabaseConnectionManager - Attempt 1 out of 3 to connect to the database.
2024-09-17 09:31:44,173 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.database.MigrationManager - Liquibase startup management set to Manage
2024-09-17 09:31:46,354 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.database.MigrationManager - Calling liquibase to update the database
2024-09-17 09:31:46,354 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] INFO org.candlepin.database.MigrationManager - Database has 17 unrun changeset(s):
file: db/changelog/20231003113535-entity_layering_schema.xml, changeset: 20231003113535-11
file: db/changelog/20231003113535-entity_layering_schema.xml, changeset: 20231003113535-12
file: db/changelog/20231003163700-rename_pool_locked_field.xml, changeset: 20231003163700-1
file: db/changelog/20231211101743-add-pool-dirty-product-column.xml, changeset: 20231211101743-1
file: db/changelog/20240101162555-update-anon-cert-foreign-key.xml, changeset: 20240101162555-1
file: db/changelog/20240101162555-update-anon-cert-foreign-key.xml, changeset: 20240101162555-2
file: db/changelog/20240101162555-update-anon-cert-foreign-key.xml, changeset: 20240101162555-3
file: db/changelog/20231024083400-hms-environment-changes.xml, changeset: 20231024083400-1
file: db/changelog/20231024083400-hms-environment-changes.xml, changeset: 20231024083400-2
file: db/changelog/202401081559-add-claimant-owner-column.xml, changeset: 202401081559-1
file: db/changelog/20240329143555-add_environment_content_override_schema.xml, changeset: 20240329143555-1
file: db/changelog/20240329143555-add_environment_content_override_schema.xml, changeset: 20240329143555-2
file: db/changelog/20240329143555-add_environment_content_override_schema.xml, changeset: 20240329143555-3
file: db/changelog/20240329143555-add_environment_content_override_schema.xml, changeset: 20240329143555-4
file: db/changelog/20240329143555-add_environment_content_override_schema.xml, changeset: 20240329143555-5
file: db/changelog/20240502145033-fix_entity_namespace_type.xml, changeset: 20240502145033-1
file: db/changelog/20240502145033-fix_entity_namespace_type.xml, changeset: 20240502145033-2
2024-09-17 09:31:47,604 [thread=main] [=, org=, csid=] ERROR org.candlepin.guice.CandlepinContextListener - Error initializing database: liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for changeset db/changelog/20231003113535-entity_layering_schema.xml::20231003113535-11::crog:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(32) [Failed SQL: (0) – Copy over custom content
INSERT INTO cp_contents (uuid, created, updated, namespace, content_id, content_url, gpg_url, label, metadata_expire, name, release_ver, required_tags, type, vendor, arches)
SELECT acc.new_uuid, old_cont.updated, now(), owner.account, old_cont.content_id, old_cont.contenturl, old_cont.gpgurl, old_cont.label, old_cont.metadataexpire, old_cont.name, old_cont.releasever, old_cont.requiredtags, old_cont.type, old_cont.vendor, old_cont.arches
FROM tmp_active_custom_contents acc
JOIN cp_owner owner ON owner.id = acc.owner_id
JOIN cp2_content old_cont ON old_cont.uuid = acc.uuid
WHERE acc.best = true]
Expected behavior:
Successful upgrade
Business Impact / Additional info:
Reproducer available
- links to
RHBA-2024:140284 Important: Satellite 6.16.0 release