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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-27385

Invalidating JWT for global registration



      Currently, once a JWT is issued for global registration, there is no clear mechanism for invalidating the token if it becomes compromised or if it is no longer needed. This can potentially expose the system to security vulnerabilities and misuse. We need to implement invalidating JWT tokens manually. 


      • The users with the “Edit Users” permissions can invalidate ALL JWT token for other users.
      • A user can invalidate self's token
      • Conventionally, Admin can invalidate self’s and other users tokens

      Out of the scope

      • Managing JWTs and storing them in the database.
      • Invalidate one/few JWT(s) of a single/all user(s).
      • View JWT for user as it is not stored or managed.



      Refinement Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B8oiswj7Fl8FqSSsD6pZhLQ0Ky5D6S6acHuIrrQ6mZ8/edit 

            rh-ee-gisoni Girija Soni
            rhn-support-ktordeur Kenny Tordeurs
            Nofar Alfassi Nofar Alfassi
            Shweta Singh Shweta Singh
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
