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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-26548

Katello should set 'user-agent' when calling Hosted Candlepin


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      When looking at Hosted/Upstream Candlepin logs in splunk, we try to identify the type of client making a request using the 'User-Agent' HTTP header. For example, you can identify requests coming from 'subscription-manager' clients based on that header's value being something like: "RHSM/1.0 (cmd=rhsmcertd-worker) subscription-manager/1.28.13-3.el8_4".

      However, it is difficult to tell which calls are coming to Hosted Candlepin from Satellite/Katello. It is probably requests with "rest-client/2.1.0 (linux x86_64) ruby/2.7.8p225" (because we know Katello is written in Ruby), but we are not certain, because there are other Ruby-based clients that call Hosted Candlepin (such as RHSM-Web/Customer Portal).


      • Set a user-friendly / simple User-Agent value to Katello requests towards Candlepin. Ideally it should include the Satellite version (x.y.z-patch) making the call, but at the very least it should identify the caller as either 'Satellite' or 'Katello'.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • When making Hosted Candlepin requests, Katello should set the User-Agent header to something identifiable and simple like 'Satellite x.y.z-patch' or 'Katello x.y.z-patch'.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nmoumoul@redhat.com Nikolaos Moumoulidis
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