Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-25803

Compliance manager role doesn't allow users to create a compliance policy in satellite.


    • False
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    • False
    • 0
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    • No

      Description of problem:

      A user is assigned roles 'Compliance Viewer and Compliance Manager' but is not able to create a compliance policy, and can click on create policy but is not able to move to the next page.

      How reproducible:

      Yes, reproducible.

      Is this issue a regression from an earlier version:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. On your satellite WEB UI -> Administer -> Users -> Create a user - Openscap -> Give permission 'Compliance Viewer and Compliance Manager'.

      2. Please select the location and organization as well.

      3.  Then try to login to the satellite using the 'Openscap' username at the same time need to open satellite cli start command 'tail -f /var/log//'.

      4. Try to create a policy, WEB UI -> Hosts -> Policy -> 'Manual' is already selected -> Click on 'Next' -> There is no progress.


      Try to create a policy, WEB UI -> Hosts -> Policy -> 'Select Ansible' -> Click on 'Next' -> There is no progress it'll come back to the same page but it'll not give any error on the WEB UI.


      The below error is visible at the same time on the cli.

      2024-06-12T11:26:53 [E|app|14bfafda] Failed to save: Organization ids Invalid organizations selection, you must select at least one of yours and have 'assign_organizations' permission., Location ids Invalid locations selection, you must select at least one of yours and have 'assign_locations' permission.


      5. Noticed one point, if we don't select any location and organization while creating the user 'Openscap' by default 'Any Location' and 'Any Organization' are selected. When login using this time, we can actually create a policy without any issues and progress to the next page but doesn't work with proper 'location' and 'Organization' Selection. The user will not show any other locations except the assigned location as it doesn't have that permission.


      Actual behavior:

      With proper location and Organization selection, the user with roles can't create openscap compliance policy.

      Expected behavior:
      Users with proper roles assigned, location, and organization can work as per expectation.

      Business Impact / Additional info:



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            rhn-support-sussen Susmita Sen
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