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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-25131

Improve the "Using a Red Hat Image Builder image for provisioning" chapter of provisioning guide


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      Document URL:


      Section Number and Name:

      Chapter 8. Using a Red Hat Image Builder Image for Provisioning

      Describe the issue:

      As it was being discussed in BZ# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2269386#c13 [ internal comments 13 and 14 ] ,

      We do mention that
      On Satellite, create a custom product, add a custom file repository to this product, and upload the image to the repository. For more information, see Importing Individual ISO Images and Files in Managing Content.

      but then if i scroll up a bit, Just under the Chapter name we say:
      Using RHEL web console, you can access Red Hat Image Builder and build images that you can then upload to an HTTP server and use this image to provision hosts.

      So both statements contradict each other.

      Suggestions for improvement:

      If The image needs to be part of a custom repo and that repo needs to be part of the same CV+LCE that is selected while creating the host profile, we need to make it abundantly clear in the doc section.

      If this method of deployment can be done in both ways i.e. The image can be either in an HTTP exposed location or else within a custom repo+product, Then both the processes should be tested and properly documented.

      Additional information:

      NOTE: If the HTTP(s) way works i.e. we can keep the image on a separate server and access it over HTTP(s) while deployment happens, then most end-users would prefer doing so.

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-saydas Sayan Das
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