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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-25011

Child hostgroup does't show the correct synced content version while editing on the Red Hat Satellite 6 WEB UI.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 6.14.3
    • Host Group
    • Moderate
    • True

      Description of problem:

      While creating a child hostgroup, on the operating system tab, even after selecting the correct sync content version and parent had no synced content selected. While editing the chile hostgroup it shows synced content as 'inherit parent(id) instead of the rhel kickstart repo id.

      How reproducible:

      1. Create a parent host group.

      On your satellite WEB UI -> Configure -> Host group -> Create Host group -> Name-hg-foo -> Content resource -> LCE -> content-view -> Deployed on -> required capsules -> On the operating system tab select nothing. -> Submit

      2. Create a child layer 2.

      On your satellite WEB UI > Configure -> Host group -> Create Host group -> Select parent-hg-foo> Name-def -> On the operating system tab select nothing -> Submit.

      3. Create a child rhel 8 layer 3.

      On your satellite WEB UI -> Configure -> Host group -> Create Host group -> Select parent-hg-foo/def -> Name-rhel8 -> On the operating system tab -> Select Arch -> OS -> Synced Content -> Partition table -> PXEloader -> Submit.

      4. Create a child general layer 4.

      On your satellite WEB UI -> Configure -> Host group -> Create Host group -> Select parent-hg-foo/def/rhel8 -> Name-general -> On the operating system tab -> You'll see all the correct options which were selected on the parent rhel8 -> Submit.

      5. Now when you edit 'hg-foo/def/rhel8' and 'hg-foo/def/rhel8/general', On the Operating system tab -> You'll see 'Synced Content' as 'inherit parent(id)' instead of 'RHEL_BaseOS_kickstart_8_9'

      Actual results:

      • I tested on satellite 6.12 which is showing synced content 'RHEL_BaseOS_kickstart_8_9'.
      • On satellite 6.13, 6.14.2, 6.14.3 the synced content shows 'inherit parent(id)' which is not correct as there was nothing selected as synced content till step 2, no information from the parent present then why rhel8 show inherit parent(id).

      Expected results:

      Synced content will show the corrected value 'RHEL_BaseOS_kickstart_8_9'.

      Additional info:

      One good point is there is no issue when it comes to functionality. When we provision host.

      Hosts -> Create Hosts -> Select Host Group 'general or 'rhel8' -> Operating system tab shows synced content 'RHEL_BaseOS_kickstart_8_9'.

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