Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-24934

[RFE] for EC2


      Description of problem:
      UX RFE

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:
      UI Navigation

      Additional info:

      First time filing a bug report, I'm submitting this as a UX RFE based on differences in experience using Satellite with VMWare to AWS and a few other observables.

      Create Host:
      "Virtual Machine" tab:
      Have "Subnet" selections have the same display behavior as "Create Host" -> "Network" -> "Interface" -> "IPv4/6 Subnet" insofar as displaying values as "Subnet Name (CIDR)".
      "Host" tab:
      Filter selectable Host Groups based on "Location". Host Groups that are not associated with the selected "Location" should not be visible/selectable.
      "Operating System" tab:
      Option to select "Image Based" from "Provisioning Method" as a default from "Host Group"
      Option to select item from "Image" as a default from "Host Group". Default Image selection should be based off of defined value of "Compute Profile" -> "Image" value.
      Default "IPv4/6 Subnet" based off of defined value in "Host Group" "Network" -> "IPv4/6 Subnet"

      Host Groups:
      Is it possible to inherit "Locations" for nested Host Groups? If so the ability to both inherit & modify selections for child host groups.
      The ability to expand/collapse heirarchies as oppsed to breadcrumb trail view option.
      The ability to permit/allow a host group from having members? This is useful if your hostgroup exists to provide default values for subordinate host groups, but not actually contain hosts.

      Compute Profiles
      Is it possible to organize "Profiles" in similar fashion to "Host Groups"? Having the hierachical inheritance structure that is available in "Host Groups" made available in "Compute Profiles" would allow for better organization/grouping as I find many of my "Compute Profiles" differ only slightly from one to the next.
      The ability to expand/collapse heirarchies as oppsed to breadcrumb trail view option.
      Compute Resource -> Provider:EC2 -> Compute Profiles
      Have "Subnet" selections have the same display behavior as "Create Host" -> "Network" -> "Interface" -> "IPv4/6 Subnet" insofar as displaying values as "Subnet Name (CIDR)".
      Provide the ability to create additional S3 disks in similar fashion to how VMWare provides "Storage" -> "Add Volume".
      User should be able select storage options that are provided by AWS.
      The ability to specify the initial disk size (i.e. make /dev/sda 100GB instead of the AMI default of 50GB).
      Provide the ability to create additional NICs in similar fashion to how VMWare provides "Network Interfaces" -> "Add Interface".
      Have the ability to select which "Subnet" is associated to each NIC, which in turn is inherited as default by: "Create Host" -> "Network" -> "Interface" -> selected interface -> "IPv4/6 Subnet"
      Provide defaults/overrides for the remainder of settings in the "Interface" dialog ("Create Host" -> "Network" -> "Interface" -> selected interface -> Actions -> Edit)
      "Flavor" should populate values based off of AWS REST API call as opposed to flavors.rb. AWS does not provide all flavor options in all availability zones. Ref: bugzilla #1631878

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            mmoser@aires.com Michael Moser (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
