Uploaded image for project: 'Satellite'
  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-24855

Upgrading Satellite 6.14 to Satellite 6.15 failed with error "Could not find a suitable provider for postgresql_conf"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 6.15.0
    • Upgrades
    • Important
    • No

      Description of problem:

      Upgrading Satellite 6.14 to Satellite 6.15 failed with error "Could not find a suitable provider for postgresql_conf"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Satellite 6.14

      How reproducible:

      Getting below error while performing Satellite upgrade to Satellite 6.15.

      [ERROR ] [configure] Could not find a suitable provider for postgresql_conf
      2024-04-30 09:49:28 [NOTICE] [configure] System configuration has finished.

      Error 1: Puppet Group resource 'qpidd' failed. Logs:
      Starting to evaluate the resource (243 of 2023)
      Evaluated in 4.48 seconds
      change from 'present' to 'absent' failed: Could not delete group qpidd: Execution of '/sbin/groupdel qpidd' returned 10: groupdel: cannot remove entry 'qpidd' from /etc/group
      Error 2: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'checkpoint_completion_target' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 3: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'max_connections' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Service]
      Error 4: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'shared_buffers' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Service]
      Error 5: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'work_mem' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 6: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'log_line_prefix' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 7: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'log_min_duration_statement' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 8: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'log_rotation_size' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 9: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'effective_cache_size' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 10: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit' failed. Logs:
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 11: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'port_for_instance_main' failed. Logs:
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[port_for_instance_main]/Postgresql_conf[port_ for_instance_main]/require
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[port_for_instance_main]/Postgresql_conf[port_ for_instance_main]/notify
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Service]
      Error 12: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'password_encryption_for_instance_main' failed. Logs:
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[password_encryption_for_instance_main]/Postgr esql_conf[password_encryption_for_instance_main]/require
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[password_encryption_for_instance_main]/Postgr esql_conf[password_encryption_for_instance_main]/notify
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Reload]
      Error 13: Puppet Postgresql_conf resource 'data_directory_for_instance_main' failed. Logs:
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[data_directory_for_instance_main]/Postgresql_ conf[data_directory_for_instance_main]/require
      require to Class[Postgresql::Server::Initdb]
      /Stage[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config/Postgresql::Server::Instance::Config[main]/Postgresql::Server::Config_entry[data_directory_for_instance_main]/Postgresql_ conf[data_directory_for_instance_main]/notify
      notify to Class[Postgresql::Server::Service]

      13 errors were detected.
      Please address the errors and re-run the installer to ensure the system is properly configured.
      Failing to do so is likely to result in broken functionality.

      The full log is at /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log
      Package versions are being locked.
      Failed executing satellite-installer, exit status 6
      Scenario [Migration scripts to Satellite 6.15] failed.

      The following steps ended up in failing state:


      Resolve the failed steps and rerun the command.

      If the situation persists and, you are unclear what to do next,
      contact Red Hat Technical Support.

      In case the failures are false positives, use

      Below error observed in satellite.log

      2024-04-30 09:48:39 [ERROR ] [configure] Could not delete group qpidd: Execution of '/sbin/groupdel qpidd' returned 10: groupdel: cannot remove entry 'qpidd' from /etc/group
      2024-04-30 09:48:39 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Qpid::Config/Group[qpidd]/ensure: change from 'present' to 'absent' failed: Could not delete group qpidd: Execution of '/sbin/groupdel qpidd' returned 10: groupdel: cannot remove entry 'qpidd' from /etc/group

      2024-04-30 09:49:24 [ERROR ] [configure] Could not find a suitable provider for postgresql_conf

      Actual results:

      Expected results:

      Additional info:

            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            rhn-support-amahindr Aniket Mahindrakar
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
