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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-24840

On the submit page or last page of the remote execution job shows 'Skip to Review' option enabled on the Red Hat Satellite 6.


    • Low
    • No

      Description of problem:

      The submit page of the remote execution job shows the 'Skip to Review' option enabled though the end user clicks on the 'Skip to Review' option to skip all the steps and directly land on the submit page.

      If we click on the 'Skip to Review' button on the submit page/last page it does nothing and this button should be blurred.

      How reproducible:

      1. On your satellite WEB UI -> Hosts -> All Hosts -> Click on the hostname -> Schedule Remote Job -> Job Category - Command -> Job Template - Run Command - Script Default -> Put a command -> Once you put a command this 'Skip to Review' will be enabled before that it'll show blurred.

      Once you click on the 'Skip to Review', it'll take you to the last page -> Click on the 'Submit' -> But the 'Skip to Review' option is enabled without any use.

      Actual results:

      The 'Skip to Review' option is enabled on the submit page/last page.

      Expected results:

      The 'Skip to Review' option should be blurred on the submit page/last page.

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